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Would you like to help us here at Strive Forward give back to our small communities so our elderly can live without worry and our disadvantaged families can begin to change their lives for the better? We are a non-profit built on the mission to helping those in need get the assistance they deserve to meet their basic needs.

  “I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” – Maya Angelou

If you would like to give back, we always have a variety of opportunities for someone that cares about their community like you do. If you would be interested in pledging a donation to help fund our financial assistance programs that keep us up and running, follow this link to our Donation page.

  If you would like to help us in another way, we encourage you to sign up for volunteering opportunities in your local area. This can include anything from donating your time to delivering food to hungry families, committing to helping an elder in your community get to and from essential medical appointments, and even assisting us in fundraising and requesting donations to keep the internet on for a child in virtual school.

  Sign up or contact us now to get involved!